The Second Book in the Series

Basic Details:

· Release date (UK): July 2nd, 1998

· Release date (US/Australia/Canada/English-Speaking Countries): July 2nd, 1999

· Page count: 251 (UK), 341 (US)

· Word count: 85,141 words

· Illustrations:

- Cliff Wright (Bloomsbury UK)

- Mary Grandpré (Scholastic US)


For Seán P. F. Harris, getaway driver and foul-weather friend.


"Never trust anything that can think for itself if you can't see where it keeps its brain." - Arthur Weasley

"You didn’t tell us you weren’t allowed to use magic outside school" said Uncle Vernon, a mad gleam dancing in his eyes. "Forgot to mention it…slipped your mind, I dare say…" - Uncle Vernon

"Your sons flew that car to Harry’s house and back last night" shouted Mrs Weasley. "What have you got to say about that, eh?" "Did you really?" said Mr Weasley eagerly.
"Did it go all right? I – I mean," he faltered, as sparks flew from Mrs Weasley’s eyes, "that-that was very wrong boys – very wrong indeed…." - Arthur & Molly Weasley

"Or he [Snape] might have been sacked!" said Ron enthusiastically. "I mean, everyone hates him – "
"Or maybe," said a very cold voice right behind them, "he’s waiting to hear why you two didn’t arrive on the school train." - Ron Weasley & Severus Snape

"Mudblood’s a really foul name for someone who is Muggle-born – you know, non-magic parents. There are some wizards – like Malfoy’s family – who think they’re better than everyone else because they’re what people call pure-blood." - Ron Weasley

"Wooden filing cabinets stood around the walls; from their labels, Harry could see that they contained details of every pupil Filch had ever punished. Fred and George Weasley had an entire drawer to themselves." - J.K. Rowling

"Ginny Weasley seemed very disturbed by Mrs. Norris’s fate. According to Ron, she was a great cat lover." - J.K. Rowling

"Excuse me?" said Ron sharply. "What d’you mean, a bit of whoever we’re changing into? I’m drinking nothing with Crabbe’s toenails in it – " - Ron Weasley

"Scared?" muttered Malfoy, so that Lockhart couldn’t hear him.
"You wish," said Harry out of the corner of his mouth. - Harry Potter & Draco Malfoy

"Voldemort.. is my past, present and future..." - Tom Riddle

Other media versions:

· Audiobooks

    • Stephen Fry (U.K. version)
    • Jim Dale (U.S. version)

· Film (Warner Bros. - 2002)
· Video/DVD
· Video Games (Electronic Arts)

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